Quang Tri - heroic land, have you visited yet?

  •   13/12/2023 02:09
  •   71
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Fierce and tragic
Every time when July comes, I have many indescribable emotions, a feeling of lightness mixed with a bit of nostalgia, and also an indescribable sadness. Something from the glorious days suddenly appeared in my memory.

Five ways to have fun in Quang Tri

  •   28/02/2023 01:55
  •   183
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Quang Tri province is located in the North Central Coast region in Viet Nam. This place has diverse terrain and distinct features bringing a more unique tourism potential than anywhere else.The branding of Quang Tri toursim destination is “Memory of the War – Aspiration for Peace”, “Toursim Gateway of East – West Economic Corridor”, conecting and linking up with “Central Heritage Road” and “Legendary Ho Chi Minh trail” tour. In this province, you are able to discover many landscapes, relics that have been famous for years. Here are five things to do when you head to Quang Tri.
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